About Us

When we signed up for Foster Adoption at our local adoption agency, we had no clue what an amazing journey it would take us on as a couple. After talking through all the questions and fears we had with starting a family, we signed up for months of classes and graduated with a certificate to foster. Our house had been deemed fit for kids and we were ready… cause we took classes… who’s ever really ready for becoming a parent, right?

The next few months went by without any placements. Then we got THE call. The ONE that put us on our journey of parenthood. Our son had been in foster care since birth and needed a new home at the age of 3 months. When he showed up things did not go as they were taught in class. No binder of info, no info really. Just a bag; a plastic grocery bag with a onesie and a thing of formula.

Eli 3 Months                                              Hana Newborn 

We quickly learned the needs of a 3-month-old -- sleep, food, and changes (not in any order). Things started becoming easier as we all got into a routine. Then 9 months later our daughter was born. Which was a great mix to our established routine. 😊 We then quickly learned the needs of a new born… food, sleep and changes. Seems like not much changes as they get older…

As a family we love to dress up and have fun. Halloween is one of our favorite holidays, besides our Forever Day (Day our adoption was finalized). We love celebrating the special moments of our adoption which is why we created this store.  It is so hard to find gifts for our family and other families like ours to help celebrate the special occasions.

  The Galaxy is Safe with US!                        Babe I got You Babe! 

Love Fuller was created with the purpose to bring love to those special occasions that you celebrate. We can all use more love in our lives. When you shop Love Fuller you are shopping at a family owned and operated business. A family who is giving back to the community and teaching their kids the value of a business.

From our family to yours… THANK YOU & LOVE FULLER

Our Forever Day - 2012